Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Google App Engine Java and GWT application development: build powerful, scalable, and interactive web apps in the cloud Unreal development kit game programming with unrealscript Professional NT services Professional Design Pattern in C# Developing custom Delphi components Maximum MIDI: advanced music applications in C++ Practical software requirements: a manual of content and style Object oriented Perl The mathematics of poker How not to program in C++: 111 broken programs and 3 working ones, or why does 2+2 = 5986? Murach's ASP.NET 3.5 Web Programming With VB 2008 Murach's ADO.NET 3.5, LINQ, and the Entity Framework with VB 2008 NET Performance Testing And Optimization: [The Complete Guide] AspectJ In Action: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming Mastering CMake: A Cross-Platform Build System Data structures for game programmers
Object oriented Perl


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