Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Zend Framework 1.8 Web application development design, develop, and deploy feature-rich PHP web applications with this MVC framework. - Description based on print version record Apache Maven 2 effective implementation build and manage applications with Maven, Continuum, and Archiva. - Description based on print version record. - Includes index Liferay portal 5.2 systems development: build Java-based custom intranet systems on top of Liferay portal Expert Python programming: learn best practices to designing, coding, and distributing your Python software Drupal 6 themes: create new themes for your Drupal 6 site with clean layout and powerful CSS styling Oracle Coherence 3.5: create internet-scale applications using Oracle's high-performance data grid Expert cube development with Microsoft SQL server 2008 analysis services: design and implement fast, scalable, and maintainable cubes Matplotlib for Python developers: build remarkable publication quality plots the easy way Ext JS 3.0 cookbook 109 great recipes for building impressive rich internet applications using the Ext JS JavaScript library. - Description based on print version record. - "Quick answers to common problems"--Cover. - Includes index GlassFish security: secure your GlassFish installation, web applications, EJB applications, application client module, and web services using Java EE and GlassFish security measures Computer vision: algorithms and applications Mastering Joomla! 1.5 extension and framework development: the professional's guide to programming Joomla! Appcelerator titanium smartphone app development cookbook: over 80 recipes for creating native mobile applications specifically for iPhone and Android smartphones - no Objective-C or Java required Java EE 7 developer handbook: develop professional applications in Java EE 7 with this essential reference guide BlackBerry Java application development: beginner's guide ; build and deploy powerful, useful, and professional Java mobile applications for BlackBerry smartphones, the fast and easy way ASP.NET MVC 2 cookbook: over 70 clear and incredibly effective recipes to get the most out of the many tools and features of the ASP.NET MVC framework. - "Quick answers to common problems"--Cover. - Includes index

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