Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Compilers, Principles, Techniques, And Tools The Art Of Unit Testing: With Examples In .NET Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided By Tests RESTful Web Services Joe Celko's Trees And Hierarchies In SQL For Smarties SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Database Programming Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and the unified process Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective Head First Object-Oriented Analysis And Design Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design Head First Java High performance MySQL Hacker's Delight CLR via C? Implementing domain-driven design High performance web sites: essential knowledge for frontend engineers
Head First Java


Mentioned: 37

Hacker's Delight


Mentioned: 35

CLR via C?


Mentioned: 34

Page 2 of 17, showing 16 records out of 264 total