Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Object-oriented programming in Common LISP: a programmer's guide to CLOS Professional WordPress Plugin Development Object-oriented programming in ColdFusion: break free from procedural programming and learn how to optimize your applications and enhance your skills using objects and design patterns. - Cover title. - "First published: October 2010"--T.p. verso. - Inclu PHP in Action: objects, design, agility Designing object-oriented software Eclipse Aspectj: aspect-oriented programming with Aspectj and the Eclipse Aspectj development tools C? 4.0 unleashed On Lisp: advanced techniques for Common Lisp Programming Ruby 1.9: the pragmatic programmers' guide Object-oriented programming: an evolutionary approach JAVA design: building better apps and applets Professional refactoring in Visual Basic Organizational patterns of agile software development Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with C++ Beginning PHP 5.3 Object-oriented PHP: concepts, techniques, and code
C? 4.0 unleashed


Mentioned: 3

Beginning PHP 5.3


Mentioned: 2

Page 8 of 11, showing 16 records out of 175 total