Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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SQL queries for mere mortals: a hands-on guide to data manipulation in SQL Python essential reference SQL and relational theory: how to write accurate SQL code Advanced PHP programming: a practical guide to developing large-scale Web sites and applications with PHP 5 PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript Ajax security Database management systems Ruby on rails 3 tutorial: learn Rails by example Inside Microsoft SQL server 2005: the storage engine Joe Celko's SQL for smarties: advanced SQL programming Real-world solutions for developing high-quality PHP frameworks and applications Cassandra: the definitive guide Simply Rails 2 Information modeling and relational databases: from conceptual analysis to logical design PHP and MySQL for dynamic Web sites
Ajax security


Mentioned: 7

Simply Rails 2


Mentioned: 6

Page 3 of 9, showing 16 records out of 144 total