Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Tutorial on software design techniques Large-scale genome sequence processing Objects, abstraction, data structures and design using Java Classic Feynman: all the adventures of a curious character The Power Of A Positive No: How To Say No And Still Get To Yes Machine learning and data mining: introduction to principles and algorithms QBasic by example Sams teach yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 hours complete starter kit Lex & yacc Calculus Quantitative system performance: computer system analysis using queueing network models The art of software testing Performance by design: computer capacity planning by example Rationale for the design of the Ada programming language Computational complexity: a modern approach Software performance and scalability: a quantitative approach
QBasic by example


Mentioned: 1

Lex & yacc


Mentioned: 1




Mentioned: 1

Page 12 of 13, showing 16 records out of 193 total