Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

This is how the analysis was done:

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Selenium testing tools cookbook Cascading style sheets: the definitive guide Palm OS Web application developer's guide: developing and devilering PQAs and Web clipping MySQL/PHP database applications CSS Web design for dummies Developing with web standards A memory of light HTML mastery: semantics, standards, and styling PHP for the Web Pro jQuery Mobile The $100 startup: reinvent the way you make a living, do what you love, and create a new future James Monroe: the quest for national identity Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk ASP.NET MVC 4 and the Web API: building a REST service from start to finish Beginning PHP and MySQL e-commerce: from novice to professional Walden Two
A memory of light


Mentioned: 1

PHP for the Web


Mentioned: 1

Pro jQuery Mobile


Mentioned: 1

Walden Two


Mentioned: 1

Page 7 of 9, showing 16 records out of 142 total