Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Inside Microsoft SQL server 2005: the storage engine Hello, Android: introducing Google's mobile development platform The data model resource book: a library of universal data models for all enterprises Pro Django Professional DotNetNuke module programming MySQL guide officiel The data model resource book: a library of universal data models for all enterprises Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL fundamentals Joe Celko's Trees and hierarchies in SQL for smarties The Manga guide to databases 19 deadly sins of software security: programming flaws and how to fix them Head first SQL Database system concepts Scalability rules: 50 principles for scaling Web sites Temporal data and the relational model: a detailed investigation into the application of interval and relation theory to the problem of temporal database management PHP and MySQL for dynamic Web sites
Pro Django


Mentioned: 6

Head first SQL


Mentioned: 5

Page 5 of 11, showing 16 records out of 172 total