Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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The definitive guide to SQLite 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide Surreptitious software: obfuscation, watermarking, and tamperproofing for software protection Operating systems: internals and design principles The robot builder's bonanza: 99 inexpensive robotics projects Fundamentals of X programming: graphical user interfaces and beyond Python Algorithms: mastering basic algorithms in the python language Theory of computation TCP/IP sockets in C: practical guide for programmers C++ primer Real-time object-oriented modeling C primer plus Programming robot controllers Designing with FPGAs and CPLDs Practical C++ programming Arduino cookbook
C++ primer


Mentioned: 1

C primer plus


Mentioned: 1

Arduino cookbook


Mentioned: 1

Page 20 of 25, showing 16 records out of 394 total