Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Asp.Net Web Api 2: Building A Rest Service From Start To Finish NET Domain-Driven Design with C?: problem, design, solution Programming Entity Framework Test-Driven Development In Microsoft .NET Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide To Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel And VBA The Object-Oriented Thought Process Pro LINQ: language integrated query in C? 2008 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Professional API Design: Confessions Of A Java Framework Architect Illustrated C# 2008 The Apache Modules Book: Application Development With Apache Essential C? 4.0 Standard C++ IOStreams And Locales: Advanced Programmer's Guide And Reference RESTful Web services cookbook C# 5.0 in a nutshell The Humane Interface: New Directions For Designing Interactive Systems
Essential C? 4.0


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