Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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The practice of system and network administration Emergent design: the evolutionary nature of professional software development Agile adoption patterns: a roadmap to organizational success Adobe ColdFusion 8: web application construction kit Agile testing: a practical guide for testers and agile teams A programmer's guide to Java certification: a comprehensive primer Essential LINQ Integrating and extending BIRT The art of computer programming OSGi and Equinox: creating highly modular Java systems LINQ to objects using C? 4.0: using and extending LINQ to objects and parallel LINQ (PLINQ) The art of computer programming Adobe Coldfusion 9: getting started ; Web application construction kit STL tutorial and reference guide: C++ programming with the standard template library Essential GWT: building for the web with Google Web toolkit 2 Advanced Mac OS X programming: the Big Nerd Ranch guide
Essential LINQ


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