Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Knapsack problems Principles of program analysis OPC unified architecture Stochastic methods: a handbook for the natural and social sciences Information retrieval for music and motion Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM): a practical introduction and survival guide Graph theory A developer's guide to the semantic web Perspectives on projective geometry: a guided tour through real and complex geometry E-librarian service: user-friendly semantic search in digital libraries Traffic flow dynamics: data, models and simulation A Primer On Scientific Programming With Python Empfehlungssysteme: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Systeme Software-Smith's Commerce Server 2007 Zukunftssichere TYPO3-Extensions mit Extbase & Fluid: [der Einstieg in die neue Extension-Entwicklung] JavaServer Faces 2.0: Grundlagen und erweiterte Konzepte
Knapsack problems


Mentioned: 1


Graph theory


Mentioned: 1

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