Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Practical Django projects PHP objects, patterns, and practice Code complete Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming: case studies in Common Lisp Computer architecture: a quantitative approach ARM system developer's guide: designing and optimizing system software Sed & awk Mathematics for 3D game programming and computer graphics Foundation actionscript animation: making things move! Introduction to 3D game programming with DirectX 9.0c: a shader approach ASP.NET site performance secrets simple and proven techniques to quickly speed up your ASP.NET web site. - Includes index. - "Community experience distilled"--Cover Game scripting mastery The well-grounded Rubyist Real-world functional programming: with examples in F? and C? Programming Erlang: Software For A Concurrent World Core Data: Apple's API for persisting data on Mac OS X
Code complete


Mentioned: 8


Sed & awk


Mentioned: 8

Page 26 of 313, showing 16 records out of 4,998 total