Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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The first quarter: a 25-year history of video games Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlighten Global positioning system: signals, measurements, and performance The software optimization cookbook: high-performance recipes for the Intel architecture How to think like a computer scientist: learning with Python UPnP design by example: a software developer's guide to universal Plug and Play PHP/architect's guide to PHP security Core Mac OS X and Unix programming Pragmatic version control with CVS Pragmatic unit testing: in Java with JUnit Pragmatic project automation: how to build, deploy, and monitor Java applications Data crunching: solve everyday problems using Java, Python and more Practices of an agile developer: working in the real world HTML utopia: designing without tables using CSS Programming from the ground up: [an introduction to programming using Linux assembly language] The software optimization cookbook: high-performance recipes for IA-32 Platforms

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