Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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A mah jong handbook; how to play, score, and win the modern game On intelligence Concurrent programming: principles and practice C++ for C programmers An introduction to computer simulation methods: applications to physical systems The science of sound Data structures and algorithm analysis The handbook of data mining Fortune's formula: the untold story of the scientific betting system that beat the casinos and Wall Street Gaming the vote: why elections aren't fair (and what we can do about it) Tell me a story: narrative and intelligence Programming proverbs for FORTRAN programmers Musical applications of microprocessors Ender's game Systemantics: how systems work and especially how they fail Fooled by randomness: the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets
On intelligence


Mentioned: 1

The science of sound


Mentioned: 1


Ender's game


Mentioned: 1

Page 237 of 313, showing 16 records out of 4,998 total