Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

This is how the analysis was done:

All Tags

True names-- and other dangers The society of mind Awaken the giant within: how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical & financial destiny 6502 software design 8088 assembler language programming: the IBM PC The Waite Group's C programming using Turbo C++ Absolute Beginner's Guide To C Mastering Turbo assembler Perl 5 Unleashed Active Directory programming Active Server Pages 2.0 unleashed Sams teach yourself data structures and algorithms in 24 hours Maximum Linux security: [a hacker's guide to protecting your Linux server and workstation] Delphi 5 developer's guide COBOL in 21 days The object-oriented thought process
The society of mind


Mentioned: 1

6502 software design


Mentioned: 1

Perl 5 Unleashed


Mentioned: 1

COBOL in 21 days


Mentioned: 1

Page 219 of 313, showing 16 records out of 4,998 total