Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Agile modeling: effective practices for eXtreme programming and the unified process Agile database techniques: effective strategies for the agile software developer Mastering Unix shell scripting Managing the testing process: practical tools and techniques for managing hardware and software testing Patterns in Java: a catalog of reusable design patterns illustrated with UML Calculus; one and several variables The data warehouse lifecycle toolkit: expert methods for designing, developing, and deploying data warehouses Patterns in Java: a catalog of reusable design patterns illustrated with UML Integer programming Information theory and reliable communication Dynamics in document design Advanced COBOL for structured and object-oriented programming Pi and the AGM: a study in analytic number theory and computational complexity Client/server survival guide Physics Mastering data warehouse design: relational and dimensional techniques
Integer programming


Mentioned: 1




Mentioned: 1

Page 198 of 313, showing 16 records out of 4,998 total