Popular development books mentioned on stackoverflow.com

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Markov chains: Gibbs fields, Monte Carlo simulation, and queues Random number generation and Monte Carlo methods Modeling survival data: extending the Cox model Modern applied statistics with S-Plus Using the STL: the C++ standard template library S programming Classic Feynman: all the adventures of a curious character Twentieth-century harmony: creative aspects and practice "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!": adventures of a curious character A random walk down Wall Street: the time-tested strategy for successful investing IWoz: computer geek to cult icon: how I invented the personal computer, co-founded Apple, and had fun doing it To mock a mocking bird and other logic puzzles: including an amazing adventure in combinatory logic Beat the dealer: a winning strategy for the game of twenty-one: a scientific analysis of the world-wide game known variously as blackjack, twenty-one, vingt-et-un, pontoon, or van-john Mastering computer typing: a painless course for beginners and professionals Contemporary abstract algebra Swimming studies
S programming


Mentioned: 1

Swimming studies


Mentioned: 1

Page 185 of 313, showing 16 records out of 4,998 total